For Employers

Why hire us?  What is our value proposition?

  • We will help you attract, retain and serve the talent you want and need through design, management and better understanding of your company’s current employee benefits, and the employee benefits business in general.

How can we help?  What can we do?

  1. Data analytics – we love data and we love using it to uncover informative and actionable insights.  We will help you analyze external data from carriers and TPAs, as well as internal data such as census files, enrollment, accounting and financial data.

  1. Carrier/TPA interpretation/translation – does what you’re hearing make sense?  Would you like a second opinion?  We believe we have a unique skill in making insurance and benefits data, reports and jargon understandable to you.

  1. Training and development – we will help your entire team’s (HR/benefits, payroll, finance, TPAs) financial and deep benefits knowledge be a competitive advantage for you.